Saturday, November 17, 2007

3D/4D Ultrasound!

Today William and I went to Tiny Toes Prenatal Imaging. I kept seeing advertisments for 3D ultrasounds and it looked so cool, but I was worried that he wouldn't be good for Cheyenne. I talked to my doctor and he assured me that it was perfectly safe. So I scheduled an appointment and we went today. It was so cool! Cheyenne didn't want to cooperate. She was hiding her face for most of the session. We did get some good shots though. The technician gave me a couple hershey kisses and some juice to try to get her a little active but she was just being shy... She is in the breach position with her legs pulled into to her chest.

29 Weeks!

We are now 29 weeks along. Only 11 more to go! It's really going fast. William has been very ill this week, since Monday evening. He's finally getting better, and it's Saturday. Luckily, I didn't catch anything...yet. Baby Cheyenne is doing just fine. Loves to kick and punch early in the morning and at night. I can eat a little piece of chocolate or something and she really peps up. We got the nursery all done. We got our glider and a dresser/changing table. It looks so homey now! I'm starting to get really excited...and nervous, especially after they showed "the video" at childbirth class this week. William missed it since he was sick. My mom went with me. I was so glad to have her with me. She was really amused by all the dad's faces during the video.