Friday, June 25, 2010

Morning at City Lake Park

I met Jen, Katie and the girls at City Lake Park this morning to do some 2 year photos of Emma. I can't believe she's going to be 2 soon! Wow-time flies. We had a great time at the park. I wish it wasn't so hot so that we could have stayed longer. The park is AWESOME! There is a huge playground, carousell, train ride, mini-golf and a big pool with slides, etc. I want to go back in the late summer or fall when it cools off some and spend an entire morning or afternoon. Here are some shots from this morning. A few favorites of Emma's "photoshoot" can be found at

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Just Love Being a Momma

I get to spend my days with these 2, and while some days I feel at my wits end, there's nothing else I'd rather be doing with my life.


Can you see me now?

Your Cheyenne Fix

I love this little girl... the biggest of my littlies...
my darlin' who says "I wuv you mommy, sweet dweams"...

who has been known to throw herself on the floor when she doesn't get her way occasionally...

who loves the pool, icees, her baby sister, her blankie and curling up with daddy before bed to watch "Dora the Explorer"...

and who makes my life so much better...

my beautiful, adorable, charming and exquisite Cheyenne.

Monday, June 21, 2010


So much going on lately! I've been sah-wim-ing in images from photoshoots and dealing with getting my computer back up and running. Long story short we think lighting hit my computer and fried it. William was able to rescue the data off of it and thank goodness my photos were backed up on an external hard drive. How lucky am I to have an I.T. guru as my husband?!? What he did would have cost me a ton of money to have someone do...

Anyway, Hailey took her first step yesterday! She isn't quite 11 months old. Chey was 14 months before she even showed any interest in walking but Hailey is standing all on her own all day long. She finally leaned forward and took 1 step before falling. I give it a couple weeks and she's going to be walking all over the place!

We've been going to the pool quite a bit. I've found that if I take them right after lunch for an hour or so and then come home and put them down for naps they sleep sooo good. The sun makes them tired I suppose. We're also doing a Little Gym class on Wednesday. It's Chey's age group but Hailey crawls (walk soon!) around and does stuff too. They are wiped when we leave. Just what I need for a good nap! hehe

Chey started vacation bible school this week at church. I dropped her off about an hour ago. It didn't phase her a bit me leaving. She was soooo excited! Mom and dad are doing the games so they'll be around but I think she'll be just fine. I can't believe how big my baby girl is getting!
Here's a few pics from the last week. Enjoy!

This is what I love to see! My girls playing together and giving me a moments peace. :) Sisterly love

First ear of corn! She wasn't a fan...

Chey helps mommy out quite a bit!

Father's Day Part 2

We spent Father's Day afternoon at mom and dad's in the pool! It was so HOT! I really am blessed to have such an amazing daddy. He's always been there for me and can't imagine what my life would have been like without him there. So many children grow up without a father. I simply can't fathom it. He's taught me so much about life and he's help make me into the person I am today, a wife and a mother. He's taught me so much about both. Thanks daddy!

And I'm lucky to have such a great daddy for my girls. He truly loves them with all his heart and they simply adore him. Happy Father's day William! Emma, Jen and daddy
Chey, Hailey and me having a popsicle!

Jen and I with our girls

Daddy being silly

Me and my girls

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010

So far Father's Day as been a blast! The girls and I took William to Tex and Shirley's for breakfast and gave him a t-shirt that we made. It has "Daddy's Girls" written on it with Chey's handprints and Hailey's feet print. It's so cute and William was so proud ot wear it. After breakfast we went to take a few pictures in the park. The girls did great and we got some good shots. We stopped my Grandma Katherine's house and visited for a bit and we're off to mom and dad's this afternoon to swim and grill out! Gonna be a great day. I am so thankful to have such an amazing man for the father of my girls. My dad and William are the greatest men I've ever known and such wonderful daddys. Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


This little girl is growing so quickly! Over the past week it has really hit me that she is going to be a year old soon. I can't believe it. Where has the last 10 months gone? She is crawling all over the place, eating all table food, and loves to give kisses! She most definetly has a mind of her own and is our more difficult sleeper. You never know what you're going to get with her, each day is different! She loves to play in the cats' water bowl if I forget to pick it up before she gets to it. She puts up with an awful lot from her sister (I'm not worried, it'll make her stronger I suppose). She is so sweet. The last couple of nights when putting her to bed she's let me just hold her, so I rock her and sing to her and soak it all in, because pretty soon she's going to be as big as Chey. She fits in my lap just perfect right now... and I'm going to be sad to see it end.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hailey's 1st time swimming!

Over the weekend we visited out neighborhood pool a few times. It was so hot! Hailey went swimming for the 1st time! She was a little unsure at first, but then loved it! We got Chey some swimmies and she does great with them!

Today is William's birthday. The big 3-9. Yep, he's getting old. We're going out with the gang tomorrow night to celebrate. We all got babysitters! Yea!

I took the girls to the Natural Science Center this morning and we went to leave and I realized I didn't have my keys. After walking around the center for 20 minutes trying to find them, I walked out to see if maybe I left them in the car. Sure enough, they were laying in the floor beside Hailey's car seat. I had sat them down when I was getting her out. So 45 minutes and $50 later I was able to get into the van and get home. Talk about a bad start to the day...