Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quality Time

I've been trying to squeeze in quality one on one down time with Cheyenne. Just me and her. So this morning we walked down to our neighborhood pool. We had it all to ourselves.

We spent about an hour and a half there swimming, chasing butterflies, and splashing. This little girl is my life and she is so awesome!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hailey's Shower

Saturday Mom and my friend Heather gave me a shower for Hailey at Heather's house. It was very sweet of them to do this. We had a small group but a good time and great cake thanks to my new aunt Cynthia. We got lots of diapers and wipes, a few new outfits, and a hamper for Hailey's room. Look at this beautfiul diaper cake mom madeOpening gifts.

Hailey's cake

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Naked Girl!

When we got home from the store the other day, Cheyenne couldn't wait for me to get her bathing suit on before hopping in the baby pool. So I just stripped her down, slathered her in sunscreen and let her go. I got out the sprinkler too and she had so much fun in it! In other news, we're patiently, okay maybe not so patiently, waiting for Hailey to arrive. Cheyenne and I layed down at took a nap together. I usually wake her after 2 hours so she'll have a decent bed time but today we just slept. We ended up sleeping for almost 3 hours! I guess even Cheyenne knows something big is about to happen and is resting up. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I am 2 cm dialated now and 30% effaced. No weight gain this week though! That was a relief!

Black Eye

So Cheyenne tripped today carry her cup and hit her face on it. She officially has her 1st black eye. It looks awful. I feel like she's always getting a bump, a scrape or something. They tell me that's just toddlerhood but as soon as one goes away here comes another!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby birds

We've got a birds' nest in a tree right beside our deck and the other day we noticed some blue eggs in it. When we went back to check on them, this is what we found! Brand new baby birds!


Cheyenne and I got to host playgroup today. This was the 1st time since we've had our playset built. All the kids had a great time playing! We even got out the splash pool. They played for a solid hour and a half and were all exhausted afterward. There were 8 kids all together. Cheyenne is the youngest at 18 months and the oldest was 4 with most being 2 or 3. Cheyenne is a little social butterfly and these playgroups are so great for her!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

35 Weeks

Yesterday made 35 weeks for Ms. Hailey and I and I feel every bit of it. I am more than ready for this one to be over. If and when we decide to have a 3rd, it will be planned for a winter baby! This one has been really tough. Summer maternity clothes are very unflattering and you're just hot and sweaty all the time. The last several weeks we have really tried to do things with Chey and spend alot of 1 on 1 time with her. I've read her a few books about being a big sister and talked to her endlessly about it. I'm a little nervous about having 2. I realized today that I'm not going to be able to take my eyes off of these 2, even when Hailey is in the swing or bouncy seat, etc. Chey just won't be able to fully understand how fragile she will be. I'm sure we'll get into a routine and things will get easier, but the 1st week is starting to freak me out! But we're lucky to have family and friends nearby who are more than willing to help out. I have a baby shower next Saturday that I'm looking forward to, not that we really need too much, but it's always great to get together with friends and family and eat cake!

The past few days I have been looking back over all the posts on the blog. All the way back to when Cheyenne was born. It's amazing to see how much she has grown and changed. I hope you have enjoyed following along with our family as I have enjoyed documenting it. I am going to try my best to keep it up to date but not knowing how life with 2 is going to be, I can't make any promises! So for now we're playing the waiting game and enjoying our last few weeks with Cheyenne. I'm treasuring bedtime stories with her and taking naps with her... I'm actually getting my best sleep during the day because I toss and turn all night because I can't get comfortable or I have to get up to pee...you know the drill.
I did have a doctor's appointment Wednesday and they checked me since I've been having regular contractions and I'm already 1 cm dialated. The doctor said Hailey is about 5 lbs or so. I've gained 33 lbs thus far...ugghhh.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Belews Lake

We finally got to go out on the lake today! William's brother, J.C., recently bought a boat and we got to go out on it for the 1st time this afternoon. It's a REALLY nice wakeboarding boat. We watched J.C. wakeboard for a while then we found a cove where we could jump in and swim. Cheyenne loved riding and swimming in the lake. She didn't even mind wearing her life jacket the whole time. Will you just check out this picture of her and I? Look closely at her "Elvis lip." J.C. wakeboarding

Mommy and Chey swimming in the lake

Chey and daddy riding the boat

Friday, July 10, 2009

Surprise Gifts!

We were surpirsed with a great gift today for the girls! Grandpa and GiGi Hollifield sent a gift for Cheyenne and a baby gift for Hailey. Cheyenne received a beanie baby bunny. The video is of her opening it. Hailey got a very cute onsie and a blanket with her name on it. You know how Cheyenne has her blankie that she sleeps with and if I let her, will carry it around all day? Maybe this will be Hailey's lovey. We love the gifts! Thanks Grandpa and GiGi!

Finger Painting

I let Cheyenne finger paint this morning, although I think she painted herself more than she did the paper...but that's okay. She had a good time. Too bad I can't frame and mount Cheyenne!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July/My birthday

We had a great 4th. It was dad's birhday so we always have a big cookout/pool party to celebrate ours together. We had lots of friends and family and tons of food. I came home with a bellyache. Cheyenne had a great time too with Bella and Courtney. They really wore her out playing with her... she slept until 8:30 this morning when we finally woke her.

Chey and daddy in the pool.

Today is my 24th birthday. It's been great, rainy, but great. The 3 of us went to "brunch" at Tex and Shirley's and then ran a couple of errands. When we got home William and Chey made my birthday cake (yellow cake with chocolate icing-my favorite!) Then all 3 of us took a long nap. It was wonderful. Mom and dad came over for dinner and we had steak, corn on the cob and green beans with the cake for dessert. I got exactly what I wanted for my birthday too. Gift cards to Balance Day Spa! Now I can go get a Prenatal massage and maybe a pedicure before baby Hailey arrives. I love getting the prenatal massage. An hour of peace and quiet and I feel so good afterward! Thanks William, Katherine and mom and dad for that great gift!

Cheyenne and mommy at Tex and Shirley's.
Decorating my cake.
Cheyenne has been stuck to William like glue today. She has wanted nothing to do with me. She layed on him for over 45 minutes this afternoon. It's okay. A break is nice. :) Chey has also warmed up to poppa quite a bit lately. Here she is getting some cake.
Thank you to all the men and women who serve our country and allow us to live the way we do in America.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

William's New Truck

Well, it's not new..it's 4 years old. William has been wanting a truck (and we need one now that we're homeowner's) for a while. After having to borrow one from his uncle for the last couple of weeks we started searching hard for one. William knew exactly what he wanted. A Ford F150, Lariat, Crew cab. Well and lo and behold we found 2 that were perfect. The first one we looked at Thursday was red but had a little paint/body damage. Then yesterday we went and looked at one in Virigina. It is green with tan leather interior. It only has 50k miles on it too, which is great for it being 4 almost 5 years old. We got such a great deal too. The couple we bought it from is expecting their first child and just wanted to get out from under the payment and were anxious to sell it. It has a DVD player too, which is great for road trips with Chey. It makes the drive so much more enjoyable! We washed it up this morning and hopefully can get the inspection, plates and title all done next week.

Chey helped wash the truck!