Saturday, August 28, 2010

Luke and Lily's Party

This afternoon I took Cheyenne to a birthday party. Her friends Luke and Lily (brother and sister, 11 months apart!) had a joint party today. It was at their house and there was a slip-n-slide, water balloons and pools set up! She had a great time. It's so much fun to watch her with her friends.

Grandma Lucie's Surprise 75th

This afternoon we held a surprise birthday party for my Grandma Lucie. Grandma will be 75 on Monday. Let me be the 1st to say that this 75 year old is like no other Grandparent I know. She said herself she feels like she's 50. She bowls and is so active, you would never know she's 75. I'm so proud to call her my Grandmother. While everyone was getting up and doing speeches and telling stories, I had in my head what I wanted to get up there and say. But everytime I started going through it, I started to tear up. There's was no way I was going to get up there without ballin'. So Grandma I'm telling you now. You are one of the greatest women I've ever known, next to my own mother. I hope I can be half the parent you were/are to my dad and that he and my mom and have been to me. You are so many things to so many people and I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing you have been in my life. From sleepovers at your house growing up to Smith Mountain Lake trips, chin puppets and leaving groceries at the Winn-Dixie in Virginia. There are so many memories with you that I'll have for the rest of my life. I love you and Happy Birthday!All the kids did so much work to pull this together. Grandma was so surprised!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Catch Up

I'm just going to get right to the point. I'm tired. I'm so tired. Cheyenne and Hailey have drained every ounce of energy out of me lately. Mostly Cheyenne because the child has the worst case of terrible two's ever! One day she can be just as sweet and good and the next all hell breaks loose! I'm getting pretty discouraged actually. I've tried ever form of discipline. Distraction, time out, popping her butt as a last resort-but nothing has worked. But I've sought out advice and the consensus is to just keep at it and eventually it will click with her. Just don't give in. I just hope I can outlast her!

But on a good note she is getting so smart. Her manners are wonderful, (most of the time) and it just amazes me to have a conversation with her. She knows things I didn't even know she knew! She starts back to preschool after Labor day and I'm soooo looking forward to it. She needs that outlet, (and mommy needs a break!) Hailey is signed up for mother's morning out, but I'm having 2nd thoughts about it. I think I may try to get Hailey to just 1 day a week and wait until after Christmas to put her in the 2 day program. I'm going to see how she does the first couple of days and go from there. We'll see!

We are supposed to leave for the beach next Thursday and stay until Monday. I have been watching the weather and it looks as though there's a hurricane headed our way that should be hitting the coast the time we're down there. Wonderful. We've waited all summer for our vacation and it looks as though it's going to be ruined. I'm going to pray that it dissipates or goes back out to sea-otherwise thats alot of money, just down the drain. Until next time!


This week has been considerably cooler than the weather we've had most of the summer! It only got up to the mid 80's. The pool cooled off quite a bit so we spent some time washing the van and running through the sprinkler. It was great for it to be warm enough to play in the water but not so hot that we couldn't stay out for more than 10 minutes. It's been nice! I've gotten the sprinkler out before but Cheyenne would never play in it. Well, yesterday she loved it! Hailey even got in on the action! We washed the van and Chey and Hailey washed Chey's tricycle. I love this weather and hope it sticks around. Speaking of the weather, looks like a theres a hurricane coming and looks to hit the coast next weekend, when we're supposed to be at the beach for our vacation. :(

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

City Lake Park

I'm so behind of posts! These are from a couple of weeks ago when we ventured over to City Lake Park in Jamestown with Kristie, David and Maggie. It was the last week for the carousel and train rides. We spent all morning there and had a blast! It was hot!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Chey's 1st Dance Class!

Chey started dance class tonight! She is going to Dance Unlimited in Kernersville. Same place that Jen and I danced at when we were younger. I'm so excited for her. She picked out a leotard and tights and we got her ballat and tap shoes which she loves! Her class is a ballat/tap/gymnastics combo. She will have class once a week for an hour and then in June she'll have a recital. My little girl is getting so big. She came running out of class telling me all she learned and how she loves Mrs. Susan! We don't get to watch the class because it's distracting for them. But once a month they do let us watch through a one-way mirror. I can't wait to see her in action!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hailey's 1st Birthday Part 2

Sunday we had Hailey's 1st Birthday party! It was supposed to be at the pool at mom and dad's house for we've had rainy, cool weather for the last few days. The high was only 72 degrees or so. Too chilly for the pool! We moved the party to our house. Hailey and Chey's friends David, Maggie and Gavin came as well our their cousins Emma and Ryleigh. Nana, Poppa, Aunt Katie and Bradley and Grandma Lucie were there as well. It was a fun party! We sang happy birthday and had cake, which Hailey enjoyed very much. The kids played for a little while and then hailey opened her gifts. This little girl is loved so much. I can't believe my last baby is a year old. She has had a great first year and I look forward to the rest of her life, watching her grow and learn, just like we have Cheyenne.

Mommy and Hailey with her birthday balloons! Hailey's very own cupcake!
The party cake-made by my Aunt Cynthia
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Hailey!
She loved it!
Cheyenne and David
Hailey got this rocking horse from Nana and Poppa
Opening gifts from her friends
My baby-who is now 1. My sweet Hailey.