This afternoon we held a surprise birthday party for my Grandma Lucie. Grandma will be 75 on Monday. Let me be the 1st to say that this 75 year old is like no other Grandparent I know. She said herself she feels like she's 50. She bowls and is so active, you would never know she's 75. I'm so proud to call her my Grandmother. While everyone was getting up and doing speeches and telling stories, I had in my head what I wanted to get up there and say. But everytime I started going through it, I started to tear up. There's was no way I was going to get up there without ballin'. So Grandma I'm telling you now. You are one of the greatest women I've ever known, next to my own mother. I hope I can be half the parent you were/are to my dad and that he and my mom and have been to me. You are so many things to so many people and I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing you have been in my life. From sleepovers at your house growing up to Smith Mountain Lake trips, chin puppets and leaving groceries at the Winn-Dixie in Virginia. There are so many memories with you that I'll have for the rest of my life. I love you and Happy Birthday!

All the kids did so much work to pull this together. Grandma was so surprised!
1 comment:
Wow! I can't believe so many people were able to keep it a surprise. Gran is the greatest woman I've ever known. She's been so influential in mine and so many other people's lives. We are so blessed to have such an amazing woman for our grandma. And you're right...she's nothing like any other 75 year old!
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