Sunday, March 29, 2009

A productive Sunday

"Cheyenne are you eating a dandilion?!?" Our beautiful little girl.

Cheyenne all ready for church.

We went to church this morning, for 15 minutes. The sanctuary and hallway is being remodeled and the nursery was covered in about an inch of dust from the construction, she Chey has been staying with us during the service. She usually does really well..when I say really well, she's quiet. It takes William, myself, mom and my dad passing her back and forth, books, milk and some sort of snack to keep her content for the whole hour. Well, today it wasn't happening. She just wanted to talk, talk, talk. We ended up leaving because it was just going to be too stressful. So we got home and did lunch and got outside since it was so nice! We have had rain for a solid week and today is the 1st day the sun has been out. I got alot accomplished while Cheyenne was napping too. Got weeds out of the flowerbeds, threw out some grass seed on the bare spots in the yard, set up Cheyenne's climber outside (it was in the playroom) and even got some cleaning done. It has been a productive day!
This afternoon we went over to Tripp and Heather's house for dinner and to watch the Carolina game. Dinner was amazing and Cheyenne even helped "rock" baby Gavin to sleep. He's 3 months now. We've had a great Sunday!

Friday, March 27, 2009

So sad

Right now Cheyenne is asleep at mom and dad's. This is her 2nd time spending the night over there. She stayed one night when she was 6 months old. The night before we moved and William and I had to be up at 5am to start getting everything out of the condo. We were so busy moving stuff out the night before and that morning, that I didn't really have time to think about missing her. Well, we dropped her off about 5:30 tonight and went to dinner at PF Changs. We then went to a couple of stores looking for a digital camera and a DVD player for the van. When we got home, I lost it. I guess because her room is empty. She isn't here. This is really hard for me! I talked to mom and Cheyenne has been an angel and went to sleep really well too. My little girl isn't so little anymore and as much as we enjoy seeing her grow up it makes me so sad.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Finger Painting!

Cheyenne and I have had a busy morning. I got out the soft blocks for her to play with. I put them up a while ago because her interests in them faded. When I got them back out she loved them!

Then we finger painted! This was our first experience with real paint. We usually use pudding in the tub...

Afternoon at mom and dad's

We ventured over to mom and dad's yesterday afternoon to celebrate Jenny's 22nd birthday. We hung out at the house for a while and then went to dinner at Brick Oven, Jen's favorite. The kids had a great time playing outside. The weather was so nice!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I can't believe that I have let this much time go by without a posting about the new baby. The one I got keeps me pretty busy! This past Wednesday I went for an ultrasound. This is the big one where they count all the body parts and usually tell you the sex, if you want to know. Well I had promised William when I was pregnant with Cheyenne that we could be surprised with the 2nd baby. We did not find out the sex. We have no idea if we're having another girl or a boy, which would be a 1st since Jenny had a girl too. I don't think any of us would know what to do with a boy!

We're now 19 weeks along. This Saturday we'll hit 20 weeks and will be halfway through! It's going by really fast. It's hard to believe that it is half over. We plan to pack in as much as we can with Cheyenne this summer since after the new baby is here we'll be dividing our time. We have a beach trip planned in June. We're going to Litchfield for 5 days. We're hoping to make it down to Beaufort, where William and I were married sometime in April or May. Maybe a trip or 2 to the lake as well.

So far this pregnancy has treated me pretty good. I definetly get tired easier since I'm taking care of Cheyenne this go round. But so far no swelling, no heartburn to speak of and I feel pretty good. I've only gained 2 lbs so far..thanks in part to that really bad stomach bug that Cheyenne gave everybody back in February. In this ultrasound baby is 18 weeks 4 days old and weighs about 8 oz.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Morning with Emma

This morning I got a taste of what being a mom to 2 would be like. I kept Emma for a few hours this morning and through lunch so Josh and Jen could attend a funeral. There was a period of about 10 minutes where they both were asleep... Cheyenne usually doesn't nap in the morning unless we're out and she falls asleep in the car for a few minutes but she was kinda crabby so I layed her down for about 15 minutes. Cheyenne was imitating me when I was trying to get Emma to sleep. I was saying "sshh sshh" and Cheyenne was doing it too! The she would try to pull out Emma's paci and then give it back to her and say "sshh." Chey was really good when I was putting Emma down. She sat in the rocking chair and looked at a book and was quiet the whole time. I was so proud of her! Anyway, here's a couple of pictures of Chey and Emma.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Little Gym's Spring Carnival

Yesterday afternoon, mom dad and I took Cheyenne to The Little Gym's Spring Carnival. It wasn't what I expected. It was really crowded. Cheyenne was scared at first. But after a while she warmed up and started playing. They had a fishing game, a bean bag toss, basketball and climbing stuff. Afterwards we walked to Pita Delite and had dinner. Even though it was kind of a let down, I was glad to get out. William has been gone since Thursday and it's just been Cheyenne and me day and night. It's been tough having her all to myself without much of a break, and lonely at night. Having a king bed to myself is weird. I've woken up each morning diagonal across the bed. It's amazing that William ever has any room! He should be home anytime now. I can't wait to see him!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Einstein

Here's one smart kid!

Power Wheels!

This past Sunday we had went and got Cheyenne a power wheels at Wal-Mart. Turns out it wasn't a power wheels but a cheap knock off. He couldn't pull her weight. The wheels would just spin. So we took it back. We came across this one and it's an actual power wheels! It's great. Mom and dad have one at their house they had gotten off craigslist. The other day we put her on it and she did great. This will be great for her to do when we're outside this summer trying to get things done. The video is Chey and dad having fun outside. Trying to get in some extra father daughter time since William is now gone for 4 days. He'll be back on Sunday.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Walking....kind of

Ever since Cheyenne took her 1st steps on Saturday, she's not really done much more. She just doesn't seem interested. Yesterday while we were out playing in the driveway she was riding this toy. I stood her up behind it and she started walking. She really liked this. As long as she's holding on to something, she'll walk all day long!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!!

We are excited to announce that Cheyenne walked for the 1st time today. She's been standing for long periods of time and will take 1 step towards something but today she stood alone and took 4 steps! William and I got so excited I think it scared her and she got upset... Oops!

Jolie's Birthday Party

This morning I took Cheyenne to her friend Jolie's birthday party. Jolie is now 2! She had it at the Natural Science Center. The kids got to color, have cake, pet a turtle, a hedgehog and an Lizard of some sort. Cheyenne was really into the turtle! Then we got to explore the science center. We walked out to the zoo for a little while but Cheyenne fell asleep in her stroller so we headed on home to do lunch and her nap. She must have had a good time!

Luke, Lily and Cheyenne looking at the Meerkats!

Cheyenne looking at the hedgehog.
We saw a big box turtle!

Coloring...well inbetween trying to eat the crayons.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Painted toes!

I took Cheyenne with me to get a pedicure this morning. I hadn't had one is so long. She has went with me before and she sits on my lap. She really likes to dip her feet in the water. Well today she got a special treat! The lady cleaned her feet and put lotion on them and then painted her toes! Cheyenne loved it. She did great!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

Cheyenne and mommy riding the 4-wheeler in the snow!

Trying to build a snowman...the snow was too dry. It wouldn't stick.

The family.

Chey and daddy riding our 4-wheeler!

The Jeep. William pulled an F250 out of a ditch this morning with the winch. Some teenager being dumb....

Enjoying the snow!

After playing in the snow and watching some old home videos we all went out to J.P. Looneys in Oak Ridge and had dinner. Here's Cheyenne and Emma. This was Emma's 1st time sitting in a high chair. She did great.

It started snowing last night around 8:30. The weather people were calling for 4-7 inches of snow...which of course means we're going to get a dusting. Well, we actually got about 4 inches so I guess they ended up being right this time. It rained and iced so much yesterday morning and afternoon that underneath the snow it was so slushy and muddy. But it was pretty to look at! We couldn't really get out and do too much in it, but we did ride Chey up and down the driveway on the 4-wheeler a few times. She seemed to enjoy it. We tried to build a snowman but the snow was too dry and it wouldn't stick. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching some home movies that daddy had transferred to DVD. We saw one of Katie when she was 19 months old fallsing asleep while eating corn on the cobb. It was so funny! When then ventured out to Bill's Pizza but they were closed. We ended up at J.P. Looney's. We had a great snow day!

Rocking Chair

This rocking chair was mine when I was little. My Poppa gave it to me. It looks homemade but no one can seem to remember whether he built it or not. Chey loves this chair. She'll sit it right next to William's chair and rock with him. She loves to look at her books while sitting in it too. She's such a big girl!

Ready for Church

We braved the cold and rain yesterday and headed to church. It was the first service in the new fellowship center. The sanctary is having some remodeling done. It was quite different having the service in there. Cheyenne spent most of the service in the nursery. She had a great time with mom in there. Isn't her little dress precious? Brown looks so great on her. Can you see my belly starting to show? Still in that "in between" phase wear maternity clothes are still too big but my regular clothes are too tight. I hate this stage....