This little girl is growing so quickly! Over the past week it has really hit me that she is going to be a year old soon. I can't believe it. Where has the last 10 months gone? She is crawling all over the place, eating all table food, and loves to give kisses! She most definetly has a mind of her own and is our more difficult sleeper. You never know what you're going to get with her, each day is different! She loves to play in the cats' water bowl if I forget to pick it up before she gets to it. She puts up with an awful lot from her sister (I'm not worried, it'll make her stronger I suppose). She is so sweet. The last couple of nights when putting her to bed she's let me just hold her, so I rock her and sing to her and soak it all in, because pretty soon she's going to be as big as Chey. She fits in my lap just perfect right now... and I'm going to be sad to see it end.
she is sooo beautiful! you're so blessed to have such healthy happy girls! i find myself wanting lydia to reach the next milestone quickly but at the same time, she's my last baby and i don't want her to grow up too fast. i think you appreciate and tolerate the second one more because you can look at the first and know that's what they'll be soon enough. btw, lydia totally puts up with a lot of aidan's crap and i totally agree...it'll make her stronger!
ive always heard that second borns have a mind of their own! sounds like that holds true with hailey!
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