Sunday, September 28, 2008

Panthers game

Today William and I went to the Carolina Panthers game with our friends Tripp and Heather. We were lucky enough to aquire Silver Club seats! The game was great. We won, of course. It was hot though. The sun was just beating down on us. We all got a little pink. Here's a few pictures. We had a great time!William and I at the game.Tripp and Heather
The game.

Monday, September 22, 2008

4 Generations

At my parents house last night, we took a picture of my Nanny, my mom, myself and Cheyenne. 4 Generations together. Autumn (23) Nanny (69), Cheyenne (8 months), Mom (42).

Emma, Nanny (Great Grandmother), Cheyenne

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Family pic

I don't think we've really had a family picture I got out the camera yesterday before we went to dinner with Katherine and took this. It's not great, but it will do until we get done at Christmas. Cheyenne is just about 8 months. She still isn't crawling. She get on her hands and put her but in the air and rock back and forth. It's really funny. She is pulling up on everything now and a couple of times has stood by herself without holding on to anything for anywhere from 5-10 seconds. She's growing and learning so fast lately.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Broken Finger

I am usually the clumsy one. Falling down stairs, running into things... Well this time it wasn't me. William fell down the stairs at my parents house yesterday and broke his middle finger on his left hand. Yep. We spent the evening in the urgent care at Cone hospital. He's got a brace on it but it seems to hurt quite a bit...just by observation. :) The percocet they gave him is making him naeseous and not really helping with the pain. He is supposed to go to an orthopedists this week to see if they want to put a pin in it. Ouch!

Friday, September 12, 2008

1st cold :(

So Cheyenne has her 1st cold. She was up basically all night because she was coughing and couldn't breathe because she's so congested. I was so getting used to 12 straight hours at night from her..and last night she was up 11 times I think. Poor thing...she just couldn't breathe. Say a little prayer that she feels better soon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New stuff

Mom, "Nana", got this for Cheyenne. It's a giant penguin! It comes back up when it's knocked over. Chey's been having fun with this the last couple of days.
We turned the downstairs bedroom into a playroom for Cheyenne. It's right by the kitchen and perfect for her to play in while I'm cooking dinner, etc. I picked up this play wall off of craigslist for $10.00! It sells for $60. Needless to say I'm very pleased with myself for finding such a good buy! She had a ball with it last night. Cheyenne in her new playroom.

I've gotten out the pack and play for Chey to play in during the day. She seems to like having her own little space. Here's some video of her having a good 'ole time.

Monday, September 8, 2008

"Ma ma"

Last night at my parents house, Cheyenne said "ma ma." She was having a bad day...wasn't napping well. Well, my dad had her on his lap and she started getting upset and crying and she reached her arms out and said "ma ma." Everybody stopped what they were doing and just looked shocked. was awesome!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What in the world?!?

I have no idea what she's doing here, but I thought it was just too cute! She's doing this all the time now.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

7 months

Cheyenne actually turned 7 month last week...I'm a little behind. Here's a few pictures I took of her at the house. She's now crawling yet...although she really wants to! She's always go, go, go. She's wearing me out! She's become ALOT more vocal, demanding attention. She's 21 lbs now..although she's starting to get taller and thin out some. She's down to 2 naps a day now..anywhere from 1-2 hrs each. Yeah, me time! She's sleeping through all night..from 8-8:30pm to 8-8:15 am...usually right at 12 hours.