Yesterday made 35 weeks for Ms. Hailey and I and I feel every bit of it. I am more than ready for this one to be over. If and when we decide to have a 3rd, it will be planned for a winter baby! This one has been really tough. Summer maternity clothes are very unflattering and you're just hot and sweaty all the time. The last several weeks we have really tried to do things with Chey and spend alot of 1 on 1 time with her. I've read her a few books about being a big sister and talked to her endlessly about it. I'm a little nervous about having 2. I realized today that I'm not going to be able to take my eyes off of these 2, even when Hailey is in the swing or bouncy seat, etc. Chey just won't be able to fully understand how fragile she will be. I'm sure we'll get into a routine and things will get easier, but the 1st week is starting to freak me out! But we're lucky to have family and friends nearby who are more than willing to help out. I have a baby shower next Saturday that I'm looking forward to, not that we really need too much, but it's always great to get together with friends and family and eat cake!
The past few days I have been looking back over all the posts on the blog. All the way back to when Cheyenne was born. It's amazing to see how much she has grown and changed. I hope you have enjoyed following along with our family as I have enjoyed documenting it. I am going to try my best to keep it up to date but not knowing how life with 2 is going to be, I can't make any promises! So for now we're playing the waiting game and enjoying our last few weeks with Cheyenne. I'm treasuring bedtime stories with her and taking naps with her... I'm actually getting my best sleep during the day because I toss and turn all night because I can't get comfortable or I have to get up to pee...you know the drill.
I did have a doctor's appointment Wednesday and they checked me since I've been having regular contractions and I'm already 1 cm dialated. The doctor said Hailey is about 5 lbs or so. I've gained 33 lbs thus far...ugghhh.