Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Tree

This weekend the girls have had a stomach bug so we stayed in mostly. We did pick up our tree Saturday night and William and I put the lights on after the girls went to bed. Then Sunday morning we let them help us decorate it. Chey helped, Hailey kept pulling them off. What do you expect a 16 month old to do? ha! They love it though. Cheyenne says its "so beautiful!"

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tree Farm

This afternoon we took the girls to the tree farm where I am doing Holiday mini sessions. I had told the man I would get my tree from him for letting me use his farm for the sessions. Well..... we got there and they didn't have Fraiser Fir trees......but I had already told him I would so we got a really small one...least the girls had fun! We'll got get a REAL tree this weekend!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We celebrated Halloween on Saturday and Sunday! Cheyenne dressed up as a witch and Hailey was a ladybug. We started Saturday at our church's trunk or treat. Cheyenne and Emma went around and trick or treated at all the car trunks. They had a great time and came away with lots of candy (too much!) Then we went to mom and dad's and did out annual bonfire in the driveway. I made a pot of chicken stew and we had hot dogs and made smores. We didn't stay long because Hailey was getting tired but this year was alot more fun than last year. Cheyenne really got into trick or treating! Sunday I took Chey around our neighborhood door to door. We only did 1 block because those little legs got tired. But she had a great time!

On Friday night, one of the ladies in my neighborhood, Kristy, hosted a witches brew! All the women dresses up as witches and we had tons of snacks and a costume contest. It was alot of fun!
Chey enjoying her marshmellow Roasting the marshmellow. The smoke from the fire bothered her eyes so she didn't stay long there with me.
Trick or treating at Aunt Jill's carChey and Emma
My little witch!

Chey and Emma

Trick or treating in our neighborhod

The ladies of my neighborhood-dressed up! I'm on the bottom right
Some of the yummy food!
I didn't go for the scary witch look...