So I guess when it rains, it pours. I had just got done saying how good Cheyenne has been lately. We took her for her 4 month shots and she did okay. I had to take her back to the doctor today because she was up ALL NIGHT last night. She did not sleep. I couldn't seem to calm her down. I was hoping it was from the shots and it would all go back to normal today. She's been fussy today and not sleeping well so I took her to the doc. She has some kind of virus. They say it's not related to the shots. She's got a red/sore throat and little red bumps and it causes headaches and bodyaches in adults, so they assume it does in babies too. Apparently there's nothing she can take except tylenol. It'll just have to run its course. She's been crying all evening. I've finally got her down..but I'm sure she'll be up again tonite.
On top of Cheyenne being sick, William is sick. And we all know how men are when they are sick (sorry guys, you know it's true). We are assuming its allergies. He's got the runny nose, congestion, sinus pressure, head/body aches and a wicked cough that is keeping him up all night... So I'm taking care of a sick baby, and a sick husband and I think I've hit my breaking point! But when this is all over, hopefully I'll have my sweet baby back.