Last night, William gave Cheyenne her cereal. The doctor said to start her back on it...I stopped for a few days because I thought it was making her consitpated but he said that it's normal for a baby on solids and that's breastfed to go a week without a BM so not to worry. Anyway, Cheyenne wanted to feed herself! She kept grabbing the spoon and bringing it to her mouth. (None seemed to get in her mouth when she was doing it...) Next week she will be 5 months old. We started peas today and she seemed to like them. Next is sweet potatoes, then bananas.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Lovin' the new blog layout. It's so fun to change the look. Hope you guys enjoy William's first father's day on Sunday.
happy fathers day WILLIAM you sure have a beautiful baby,i,ll be glad when she lets me hold her love grandma
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