Here I am playing with one of my favorite toys! I am concentrating really hard!
On Mondays I have class at The Little Gym. It is so much fun! We play bells, do flips, practice walking and other fun stuff! I have several friends that I love to chase around the mat!
On Tuesdays and/or Thursdays mommy takes me swimming at the YMCA. I loved swimming this past summer and mommy says that it will stay fresh in my mind if I go during the winter. Plus, it gives mommy something to do with me so I don't drive her crazy couped up in the house. The water is really warm.
On Friday mornings I go to playgroup. My mom and the other mommy's in our neighborhood get together to chat and the babies and kids get to play! The snacks are good too. Last time we had cheese crackers and doughnuts. I had my 1st doughnut hole! We haven't had playgroup at my house yet. I can't wait until we do and I can share my toys with all my friends!
Sometimes we go and have lunch with daddy. We'll eat at his work or we'll pick him up and go somewhere. Sometimes we'll go to the park and I can swing after we eat lunch. That's my favorite. It's starting to get to cold to do that now though.
After we do our afternoon activity, I take my afternoon nap. All that playing can be exhausting! I wake up around 4:00. I'm not usually in a good mood after my 2nd nap. I'm a little whiney, mom says. It just takes me a little while to wake up. Then I'm good to go! Daddy gets home around 5:30 and we have dinner together. I eat whatever mommy and daddy are eating usually. Unless, it's something I can't have yet. I like to eat potatoes, green beans, peas, corn, any kind of fruit, cheese, and macaroni!
After dinner, Daddy plays with me! We go into my playroom. Daddy is so much fun! He blows rasperries on my belly and tickles me.
And here is me after mommy made me sit down. I look pretty upset, don't I? Now you see why mommy doesn't like bath time right now? I promise I'll do better next time.
After bathtime I have my one and only bottle. Did I mention that? I am only using sippy cups during the day to drink my milk and water. I'm such a big girl! Here I am with daddy having some cuddles before bedtime.
I have 4 teeth now. I have to keep them clean, so mommy and daddy got me a toothbrush. I like to do it myself but mommy helps me out. She says we have to make sure they stay clean so the toothfairy will want my teeth and leave my a dollar when I lose them!
After I brush my teeth, it's bed time. Mommy takes me to my room and we read a few books. My favorite is "Pajama Time!" I curl up on mommy's lap with my blanket while she trys to sing me a song. ( I say try because mommy can't really sing that good. But I listen anyway.) Mommy lays me down with my blankie and I'm off to sleep by myself by 8:00. I sleep 11 hours now! I don't even need mommy and daddy at night anymore.
So that is what my day is like. I hope pretty soon I'll be walking and then mommy can chase me around! Her and daddy have put up gates to rooms I can't go into. But I can still run around the living room and the kitchen!
1 comment:
Wow! You put a lot of work into that. So cute to see what she's up to now. Love the new blog template!
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