Friday, December 5, 2008

I've been tagged!

I was tagged a while ago and I'm just now getting around to the 7 things about myself you may not know.. Here is goes...

1. When I was working as a receptionist for Starr, I actually answered the phone in my sleep. Apparently I said "Good Morning, Starr Electric"! William had a field day with this one. I still get teased for it. I guess repeating that over and over, day after day, you really can do it in your sleep.

2. I hate wearing shoes. I wear my rainbows in the winter time. Yes, my feet freeze but I guess I'm just too lazy to actually put shoes on.

3. I have never had a broken bone. I dont know if this is odd or not but I think it is pretty impressive.

4. I drink milk straight from the jug. No one else in the family drinks it, so why not?

5. I hate cleaning. I guess most people do, but I despise it. I'll do a little here and there but you won't find everything in it's place at my house unless I'm expecting company!

6. I eat quaker chocolate chip granola bars like they are going out of style. Probably go through 2 boxes a week. At least they are the 90 calorie ones!

7. I've been known to grind my teeth when I'm sleeping or make a "clicking" sound. That's what William says anyway. How would I know...I'm asleep!

Tag Amanda!

1 comment:

Four of a Kind said...

haha! I've never broke a bone either! I've done my post I'm clear.