I found out the sex of the baby on Wednesday. I couldn't take it anymore. It was driving me crazy! I hated not having any idea..not being able to prepare. I've been in nesting mode this week and I couldn't do anything so I just had to find out. I went to Tiny Toes Prenatal Imaging for a gender determination. We are having...
After I told William, (on Friday!) that I knew the sex, he said he figured I would find out, but he thought I would wait until after he or she was born to tell him that I knew. He knew I couldn't handle not knowing!
Our family just can't get a boy. Jen, your turn to try! I had hoped for a boy so that we would have one of each and I don't know if we'll go for a 3rd. We'll have to see how having 2 is. We are praying for a healthy baby just like any other parent and I know Cheyenne is going to be a wonderful big sister. Looks like daddy is going to be in a house full of girls. Ask my dad how that was! 
holy cow! why didn't you tell me tonight?! congrats! at least you have the right clothes and toys! and with the closeness in age it'll be nice having 2 of the same sex.
I'm sorry, I thought you knew! Shawn knew!
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