Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 5, going okay.

Cheyenne in her "big girl bed." (Toddler bed)

Today was day 5 of Cheyenne napping in her "big girl bed." It's got guard rails on each side about 1/3 of the way down. to keep her from rolling out. It's going well, I suppose. Her naps have gotten a little shorter. When she would wake up in her crib she would get comfortable again and go back to sleep. Now when she wakes up about an hour or so into it she is in a new place and knows she can get out. A couple of times I've been able to catch her before she gets to the door and tell her to get back in the bed and lay her back down and she has gone back to sleep to finish her nap (another hour or so). Today was not one of those days. Only got 1 hr and 15 minutes out of her all day. I think with time she'll get comfortable in that room in the new bed and will be fine. That's why I started now, to give her a couple of months of napping in there before tackling night time!
This picture is when I went to get her up yesterday (after a 2 hr and 20 min nap! yay!). She had just opened her eyes when I snapped the picture. She sat up and gave me a hug and pointed down to her diaper and said "pee." She got down from the bed and walked herself to the bathroom. I put her on the potty and within a minute, she peed! We have been doing a little bit of toilet training (at predictable times like right after she gets up in the morning, after snacks and meals and before her bath). That's normally when she goes. She's been doing really well, pottying about 50% of the time. But when she told me yesterday that she had to go and walked straight to the toilet, I was amazed. She's really starting to connect the idea of "going potty." I'm not rushing this at all, but she's doing great!

1 comment:

Four of a Kind said...

that's great. i started aidan potty training really early. by 18 months i had him wear undies all day at home. i wasn't stressed about accidents bc we didn't have carpet. keep up the good work. it's totally worth it to have them out of diapers!