Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I was getting Cheyenne ready to go out this morning and was going to change her diaper. She hates having this done and will rarely cooperate. She jumped up bare butt and ran to the bathroom door and started banging on it. So I opened it and let her in and and she sat down on her little potty. She got up a few times and I kept asking her if she needed to pee-pee. She did pee-pee then got up again. I asked her if she was all done and she sat back down and pooped! I was shocked! She got so excited , stood up and pointed at it. I showed her how to dump it in the big toilet and flush and clapped for her. Yay! What a big girl!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Feeling Much Better

Cheyenne is finally feeling better. Thursday night she slept 13 hours, I guess to make up for all the sleep she lost during the week! It was just what we all needed. She still has a few small blisters on her hands and feet but is no longer contagious and acts like she feels fine. I'm so glad it's over!

We spent the weekend putting mulch around the playset and at the pool. It was 90 degrees here! We went to church yesterday for homecoming and enjoyed a nice lunch in the new fellowship hall. There were alot of people! After playing in the pool, the entire family went to Rio Grande to have Mexican. Yum!

This morning Cheyenne finally got to play in her new sand table we got her a couple of weeks ago. We went to the beach and as soon as we got back into town she got sick and we pretty much stayed in the house so this is the first time she's gotten to play! I put it on the back deck so it's in the shade when it's too hot to really "get out and play." She loves it. It's great for her pouring skills too. She's getting good at filling up the bucket with the shovel. We have a busy week ahead of us. We're having hardwood floors put down in the living room on Wednesday, then it's on to a weekend of birthdays! Dad's birthday is Saturday (the 4th) and mine is Sunday (5th). We're having a big cookout/pool party on Saturday to celebrate. Really looking forward to it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I ended up taking Chey back to the doctor yesterday afternoon because things were getting worse, especially her sleeping, which is pretty much non-existent. She developed blisters on the end of her tounge yesterday and I thought I better have them looked at. The doctor told me she has Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Apparently this is very common because I talked to every other mom I know and they've all dealt with it! Sure enough, overnight Chey has developed blisters on her hands and feet and the doctor said she had several on the roof of her mouth and in the back of her throat. Cheyenne has not had an appetite. Over the last 3 days she mainly has had juice and water and yogurt. Please pray that she gets better soon! I think this is worse than anything she's had because she's not able to sleep!! Last night around 1am I brought her downstairs and tried to sleep with her in the recliner and then tried the couch. Not much better. She dozed for maybe 30 minutes at a time and I didn't sleep at all because she kept moving and crying. I feel so bad for her!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sick Little Girl

Yesterday afternoon Chey came down with a fever of 102. She didn't sleep well last night. She was up and down probably 6 or 7 times. I took her to the doctor this morning because she was still getting a fever after the Motrin wore off. They did a strep test because her throat had white stuff on it. It was negative. Her white blood count was high (meaning she was fighting off an infection). They also did a urine test to test for a UTI. All negative. So right now she just has a fever and a sore throat. She's not doing too much better today. She has her up and down periods. Hopefully we'll have a better night and she'll be all better tomorrow!

Monday, June 22, 2009

All done!

Last Tuesday before we left for the beach, William and I finished Cheyenne's playset. I am so proud to say that he and I did it all by ourselves. It was a job though, let me tell you! It was so nice out this morning that we played for over an hour! I can't wait to have Chey's friends over to play. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we can put down mulch or wood chips or something around it. That would look nice!
In other news, Cheyenne has gotten 2 more teeth (popped through while we were on vacation.) All she has left to get are the 2 year molars (4 of them). They say these are killer...oh boy.

Litchfield 2009

Below is a slideshow of some of the pictures from our beach trip. We had a great time. Cheyenne was unsure of the ocean the first day but the 2nd and 3rd day she loved it. I think her favorite part was the pool where there was a lazy river and a kids play area with a submarine! We got to visit with William's dad and Camilla for dinner one night and lunch. One night we drove up to Broadway and had dinner at Uno's. The ice cream was the highlight of Cheyenne's trip I think. That and the first ever carousel ride! All in all we had a great trip. Cheyenne adapted very well to going to bed late and slept in for us. (SO nice!) We are back on schedule at home and looking forward to the last few weeks of just the 3 of us before we add another member to our family!

Litchfield Beach 2009

Click here to view these pictures larger

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We are leaving this morning for the beach! I am so excited. This should be a real experience. Last summer when we went Cheyenne was 6 months old..now she's almost 17 and will be all over the place I'm sure. We are staying at the Litchfield Golf and Beach Resort and I'm sure this will be where we spend the majority of our time! Doesn't it just look like a kids paradise? Cheyenne should have a great time. If we can just get through the ride down there....Chey gets restless in her carseat after a while and we're talking about a 4 1/2 hour drive here. I've got the DVD's ready to go, books, snacks, juice, etc. I pray this goes well! Check back later in the week for pics from our trip!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Me and My Hubby

Katie tagged me so here is goes...

1. When did you get married? June 9, 2007

2. How long have you been together? 3 1/2 years

3. How long did you date? 1 1/2 years

4. How old is your man? 38

5. Who eats more? Well, I'm pregnant so probably me!

6. Who said "I love you" first? I did.

7. Who is taller? William

8. Who sings better? William does

9. Who is smarter? William is

10. Whose temper is worse? William..well it depends on what it's about.

11. Who does the laundry? I do

12. Who takes out the garbage? Whoever gets to it first.

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.

14. Who pays the bills? Me

15. Who is better with the computer? William...he's an IT Director. Computers are his job!

16. Who mows the lawn? William
17. Who cooks dinner? I do 99% of the time. William can order a pizza.

18. Who drives when you are together? William and my oh my the road rage!

19. Who pays when you go out? Joint checking

20. Who is most stubborn? We both are

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither of us like to do that. But, most of the time it would probably be me.

22. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine. They are just 10 minutes away.

23. Who kissed who first? I kissed him

24. Who asked who out?He asked me to dinner.

25. Who proposed? He did.

26. Who is more sensitive? oh, definitely me!

27. Who has more friends? We have the same group of friends.

28. Who has more siblings? We're tied. He has 2 brothers. I have 2 sisters.

.29. Who wears the pants in the family? I try to, but it usually doesn't work out.

30. How many children do you have together? 1 (Cheyenne) and 1 on the way (Hailey)

Tag Amanda!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Katie Went Skydiving!

Daddy, Katie and Joe before the jump.Katie landing.
After the jump...Katie was smiling non-stop!

Today my sister Katie went skydiving. I told her 3 years ago when I went that I would take her for her 18th birthday. Well, it ended up being for graduation. Since the two were so close together, it really didn't matter. She had a blast. I knew she would love it. We went to Adrenaline Air Sports in Jonesville. When she got done, she said she wanted to do it again. It really is amazing!

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Work In Progress

So this is our playset...so far. William and I have been working on it together and this is what we've got done so far. It's been a job, let me tell you! But it will be awesome for Cheyenne and Hailey (once she gets big enough). It has a picnic table built in under one deck and the other can be used as a sandbox, although I don't think we're going to do that... It will have a rock climbing wall, a slide, and swing. I think it has 3 swing slots. I can't wait to get it finished so I can have a place to take Cheyenne to get some of her pent up energy out without having to drive to the park. I hope to have it finished by the time we leave for the beach on Wednesday, or at least very close. William and I have actually worked very well together on this project. I can't say that for others we've done together. We did several projects in the condo, for example putting down wood floors and tile in the kitchen and we didn't get along so well... I'm used to doing things a certain way (doing projects with my dad growing up) and William's so particular! Hopefully it continues to go smoothly. Here is a picture of what it's supposed to be when it's finished.


On Monday, Cheyenne had her last Little Gym class of the Spring semester. She got to show off all her new skills. William even came and video taped some of it. Chey has really enjoyed her class and can do so many thing. She does forward rolls, can walk on a balance beam, hang from the rings, and other cool stuff. Here she is getting her medal from Ms. Carly.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Toddler Contract

I found this in my Parents Magazine and thought it was just too cute not to share...
The Toddler Contract
I. Food
1. For breakfast, there be only be milk from my sippy cup while I'm watching television.
2. From breakfast until what you probably call lunch, I will be provided with an unending supply of cookies. No arguments.
3. For lunch I will eat yogurt. Anything containing fruit on the bottom will make me pick out the fruit and throw it on the grown or else throw up on the carpet.
a. so no fruit on the bottom.
4. From lunch until dinner I will enjoy having something to lick. Why not a lollipop? Why not seven?
a. Between licks, I may place the lollopops on your grandmother's Turkish rug. This will be okay with you.
5. For dinner I will have macaroni and cheese. Any attempts to give me vegetables in addition to the macaroni and cheese will result in tears.
a. And don't you dare hide anything in the cheese sauce, my God, how you will rue the day.
6. After dinner, you may provide me with ice cream.
II. Television
1. The TV will be on all the time, unless I say differently. You are to sit by my side, quietly, hands folded in lap, while I watch my shows.
a. You may arise to fetch me a snack.
2. No diaper changing or pleas to engage in physical activity will be tolerated during watching of television.
3. Turning off the television will result in much kicking and screaming.
III. Toys
1. There will be many.
a .They will always be strewn about the house so that I may simply reach down and pick up a toy, no matter where I am.
b. They will be loud, complicated, and contain many small pieces.
c. Nothing that results in any type of learning, please.
IV. Friends
1. They should be available whenever I'm in the mood to use someone else's toys or ingest someone else's cookies.
a. These friends may not ever so much as look at my toys or cookie supply.
b. Ever, ever, ever.
V. Sleep
1. Is when I say, where I say, and how I say. If I want to sleep upside down with my legs locked around your neck, then that's how it will be.
a. And you will enjoy it.
VI. Affection
1. Occasionally I enjoy being hugged and kissed. I stress occasionally.
2. I will not be pelted with wet-mouthed assaults on an hourly basis. Should you feel the need to hug or kiss, you must provide me with a written request.
a. And then wait for me to offer my pudgy cheeks.
Signed __________________
Isn't this so true?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2 Year Wedding Anniversary

William and I 4-wheeling in West-Virginia Fall 2006

William and I in D.C. Fall 2006

We celebrate our 2 year anniversary today! We've been together since January of 2006 but were married June 9, 2007. The last 2 years with William have been amazing. I could not have asked for a better husband and father for Cheyenne. He is my rock. He is my best friend. And for those of you familiar with "Friends" he is my Lobster! Happy Anniversary sweetheart!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009


It's been raining all day so to kill some time this morning I took Cheyenne to The Children's Museum and then to the pet store. I had no intention of coming home with a fish. I took her to the pet store so she could see the puppies. She wasn't the least bit interested in them when she saw the fish tanks. She went running saying "sish!" So we got a fish. A beta fish to be exact, with a lid so the cats don't have a snack when no one's around. Chey loves her fish. We haven't named him yet...any suggestions?

William's Birthday

William's birthday was Wednesday. I'm not going to say how old he is, he might not like that. :) We had a great evening out to celebrate. My sister Katie came and kept Cheyenne and we went to dinner at Fire & Sticks per William's request. Then we went to see Angels and Demons at the Palladium. This is the 1st movie we've been to see since Cheyenne was born and probably the last for a while. The tickets for $9 a piece. Isn't that crazy?!? Anyway, we got home around 1am. I can't believe we were able to stay up that late...that was crazy for us! Anyway, William had a wonderful birthday with lots of cards and dinner out from mom and dad on Monday. From Cheyenne and I William got a framed picture of Wrigely Field for his office. We also framed the picture of him at Wrigely Field along with the ticket stub from the game we went to. He loved it!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I know this is my 3rd post of the day but I am ecstatic! Cheyenne just took a 2 hr and 15 minute nap....in her crib. You think she's trying to tell me something? I wanted her to be well rested before her nap with Katie and was desperate. Maybe Cheyenne just isn't ready for her new bed just yet. I think I'll give it a little more time, maybe a month or so and try again. Hopefully it will save my sanity!

Water Play

Yesterday we ventured over to Meredith and Jolie's for some fun water play! They had a little pool and a water table! Cheyenne and fun with her friends Luke, Lily, Jolie and a new friend Grant who joined us. It was a great way for the kids to cool off in the heat. Chey is in front with the red cherry bathing suit playing in the water.

30 weeks

This week makes 30 weeks for Baby Hailey and me! I can't believe this pregnancy is almost over. It has gone by so much faster than the 1st. Having a toddler running around makes the time fly! I had a check up at the doctor this morning and everything is great. The baby is measuring just fine. So we have 10 weeks (or less hopefully) left. I said in the beginning I wanted her to stay in as long as possible but that was before I realized how bad the heat was going to be and how different the pregnancy would be on my body this time around. It's really taking a beating! Hailey's room is painted although Cheyenne is still sleeping in there at night in the crib. I'll post pictures of the nursery when it's finished. It's still a work in progress.
Hailey is going to be a soccer player I believe. I thought Cheyenne did alot of kicking, but this one does it ALL NIGHT long. We're excited to meet her and for Cheyenne to be a big sister. Cheyenne likes to hug and kiss my belly, although she has no idea the meaning behind it. It's really cute though. I'm praying for a mild summer!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Having a Hard Time

Cheyenne and I are not getting along very well lately. Toddlerhood is so much harder than I expected. I knew it would be tough., but the ways things are going lately, I have to say I'm doubting myself and my parenting skills. Cheyenne was a spirited infant. She was quick to meltdown when she didn't get enough sleep and was hard to settle when she got overwhelmed. She sort of outgrew that around 10 months and up until a month or so ago things had been pretty good. She slept independently and went to sleep easily for both her naps and bedtime. She was a sweetheart to be around and was pretty easy going.

A month or so ago I started noticing changes in her. She gets bored very easily. Even if she has a new toy, within 5 minutes she moves on. I've tried rotating toys out so that she has different ones every couple weeks or so but it doesn't seem to be working. She has started hitting me. Not hard, mind you and sometimes she's "playing" but nonetheless, it's hitting. She is throwing toys. Just yesterday she threw a bell at little gym and hit another little girl in the head. Talk about feeling embarassed. I tried to use it as a good time to teach Cheyenne that it's not okay to throw and she hugged the little girl to say she was sorry. I know things like this are normal, but Chey is the only one like this in her class. The rest of the kids are easy going and will actually sit on their mom's lap! Mine does not sit still the entire 45 minutes. She runs around to all the other moms and kids and will pat their heads or run off and play by herself. I like that she's so independent but she's also all over the place! I'm having a hard time keeping up with her.

She throws her cup, plate and food down from her chair at meals... (again normal but annoying!) She has started tantrums when she doesn't get her way. Only 1 public one, so far...

The biggest issue we're having now is sleep. About 3 weeks ago, we started naps in her new room in her toddler bed. I never know how long she's going to sleep. Before she would sleep 2 hours. Now it's more like 1 hr and 15 minutes. Occasionally she has slept longer, but it's maybe once a week. This doesn't give me a lot of downtime, which makes keeping up with her alot harder. I have thought seriously about putting her back in her crib but wouldn't that just be a step backwards? I mean, I'm going to have to do this pretty soon anyway, and I thought that starting now would give us plenty of time to make the transition. Maybe too quick? I don't know. Honestly, I am expecting the worst. I expect this to continue and probably get worse after Hailey arrives. I guess I'm just in a down place right now. It took me over an hour to get Cheyenne to sleep tonight after being up for 6 hours after a 1 hour nap...that is just unheard of for her. Maybe I'm dealing with some separation anxiety too. We're supposed to leave her with my sister tomorrow night so we can go to dinner for William's birthday and I'm so afraid of what's going to happen. If she has this much trouble with me putting her to bed, what is she going to do with Katie? I guess I'm just stressed. I love Cheyenne so much. This age is just so frustrating and I feel like I can't do anything right.