Katie tagged me so here is goes...
1. When did you get married? June 9, 2007
2. How long have you been together? 3 1/2 years
3. How long did you date? 1 1/2 years
4. How old is your man? 38
5. Who eats more? Well, I'm pregnant so probably me!
6. Who said "I love you" first? I did.
7. Who is taller? William
8. Who sings better? William does
9. Who is smarter? William is
10. Whose temper is worse? William..well it depends on what it's about.
11. Who does the laundry? I do
12. Who takes out the garbage? Whoever gets to it first.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
14. Who pays the bills? Me
15. Who is better with the computer? William...he's an IT Director. Computers are his job!
16. Who mows the lawn? William
17. Who cooks dinner? I do 99% of the time. William can order a pizza.
18. Who drives when you are together? William and my oh my the road rage!
19. Who pays when you go out? Joint checking
20. Who is most stubborn? We both are
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither of us like to do that. But, most of the time it would probably be me.
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine. They are just 10 minutes away.
23. Who kissed who first? I kissed him
24. Who asked who out?He asked me to dinner.
25. Who proposed? He did.
26. Who is more sensitive? oh, definitely me!
27. Who has more friends? We have the same group of friends.
28. Who has more siblings? We're tied. He has 2 brothers. I have 2 sisters.
.29. Who wears the pants in the family? I try to, but it usually doesn't work out.
30. How many children do you have together? 1 (Cheyenne) and 1 on the way (Hailey)
Tag Amanda!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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