Monday, November 9, 2009

Cheyenne and Hailey Updates

Hailey is now about 3 1/2 months old and my how things have changed! She absolutely hates sitting in her bouncy seats for more than 5 minutes. As soon as I sit her in it, that little head is lifting up and she's trying so hard to sit up! If you are holding her, she does the same thing. You can't lay her back the least little bit or she gets VERY upset. She's still a car screamer, and by that I mean that as soon as she sees her carseat she starts crying and cries throughout the entire car ride. I've tried everything..nothing works to stop it. So for now I'm turning up the radio and trying to not lose my mind. This past Wednesday when I took her to the doctor to have her ears checked she weight 15 lbs 9 oz! She is getting huge! I looked back at Cheyenne's baby book and she's right where Cheyenne was at her age. This is when Chey started her "chunky" William looking phase. I just mean in the face she looked like William, not the chunky part..sorry babe! Hailey is still napping about every 1 1/2 hours but I think she is slowing starting to extend that. Today she did 1 hr and 45 minutes a couple of times. She's still waking a couple times throughout her naps but a pat on the bum and her paci and she'll usually go back to sleep. It's just annoying when Chey and I are outside to have to come in and out when she wakes. Hopefully around 4-4 1/2 months Hailey will drop a nap and that will be 1 less to deal with! She's doing WONDERFUL at night though. Isn't that strange how nighttime sleep is SOOOO different than daytime sleep? Hailey is usually asleep around 7-7:15 and most of the time wakes around 4-4:30 am to eat, then back to sleep til about 7-7:30am. Twice now she has not woken at all! She's gone 12 hours without eating! If she wakes though I'll go ahead and feed her if it's after 3am. I don't expect the 12 hours to be consistent at her age. But I'll take it when she does! She still loves sleeping in the MOBY in the late afternoon and while we're out and about. I know I've said this before, but I honestly don't know how I would live without it!!! Especially since I have a toddler under my feet constantly. I guess that brings me to Cheyenne.

Cheyenne's vocabulary is amazing! I cannot believe how much she has learned in the last couple of months. I can't even begin to list all the words she knows, but if you've been around her much at all, you know her annunciation is great! You know, it's funny. That 1st year all you're waiting for is that 1st word, and you hope it's mama or dada. Now I wish I could change my name! All day long I hear "Mommy, mommy, mommy!" I think that word is spoken in my house at least 200+ times a day. Cheyenne is in school on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Each morning when she wakes up and is eating breakfast she asks me "school mommy?" She gets to excited to put on her backpack and on Wednesdays carry her lunch bag. My little girl is growing up so fast! She is getting so smart too. She knows so many animals and what sound they make as well as the colors red, orange, brown, pink, green, blue, purple, and yellow. She knows what sound a car makes and a train, and loves to watch for airplanes in the sky. Cheyenne is also sleeping in a big bed now! The toddler bed wasn't working out, she kept falling out! She's an active sleeper, moving around so much. Other than driving me nuts, Cheyenne is doing just fine!

1 comment:

The Newnams said...

I had to look in Emma's baby book for her social security card today, and at 3 months old she was 12 lbs 6 oz. Pretty soon, Emma and Hailey are going to be able to share clothes!! Atleast, you won't have to worry about her changing too much....she already looks so much like William!