Our friends Jason and Kristie hosted what they named "Big Pig Fest" this year. Jason ( a veterinarian) went and purchased a pig, had it slaughtered and dressed and borrowed the cooker from Starr Electric (William's work) and cooked it Friday afternoon into Saturday morning. This was a huge party! Everyone brought a side. There was so much food! They had the bounce house set up for the kids, a bluegrass band, cornhole and homemade beer from a neighbor. It was a success! We had a great time. Hailey stayed with mom and dad last night because it would have been too hot and chaotic for her, but Chey had a blast. She didn't slow down the whole time. I couldn't even get her to sit still and eat. I think the plan is to make this an annual thing. It was fun!

Chey and David in the bounce house. Alli is climbing in too!

Me and the hubbs

Me, Kristie and Heather..yea and William jumped in too.

Melissa, myself, Kristie and Heather
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