Hailey had a great 1st birthday! It was Thursday-the 29th. I made her a cake with pink icing and strawberries on it that she throughly enjoyed! Grandma Katherine came over and had a spaghetti dinner with us and cake. She brought both Hailey and Cheyenne gifts. 2 "my little ponies" and 2 Dora the Explorer beanie babies. They loved them! I can't believe my last baby is a year old. The year has really flown by and it makes me sad to think that it's over. She's pretty close to walking lately-really taken an interest in it. I'll post more after her party tomorrow and her stats once we go to her 1 year check-up next week. Enjoy some photos from her big day!

She got a bounce and spin zebra! (shhh..don't tell her I got it off craigslist for less than 1/2 of what it costs new!)

Enjoying her birthday cake!

"I want more mommy!"

Opening the card from Grandma.

Cheyenne helping open presents.

Getting ready for bed, she had a big day!
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