We spent Christmas Eve with Grandma Katherine, Miles, Jessica, J.C. and Valerie. Jess and Miles cooked us a wonderful dinner, and we all actually got to sit down and eat together, which is so nice. The girls got some great gifts from their aunt and uncles and Gradma including new pajamas, an outfit and a couple of toys. Cheyenne really got into opening presents this year and as soon as she was done would ask for another one. By Christmas Day she was a pro. We got home and baked cookies for Santa and took a few pictures in their Christmas pj's. And of course they each had to have one of Santa's cookies.
After the girls went to bed, William and I put out all the gifts. Theirs something magical about it all when you have children, I can't explain it. In the morning, Cheyenne came down the steps and said "I got a bike! Mommy I got a pretty bike! Thank you Santa!" She ran right to it and kissed it. Hailey ran right to her stroller and baby dolls and started pushing it around the house. They knew exactly what was theirs! We spent the next 30-45 minutes opening gifts from each other. They each got a sleeping bag from mommy and daddy that they loved to get in and watch a movie. With one of the sleeping bags came a play tent. They love to get in it and play with their baby dolls. Chey got some roller skates (we may have to put these up and try again in the summer) She could do them okay but wasn't completely comfortable. They got a magnadoodle to share and each got a babydoll. Cheyenne also got Candyland and a Dora memory game. She LOVES to play Candyland. I played with her Sunday and she got the hang of it right away.
We then headed over to mom and dad's for brunch. I made a "breakfast before" casserole-Katherine's receipe (LOVE IT!) and we had muffins that Jen made and mimosas. The girls each got a barbie car from Nana and Poppa and some other gifts from Emma and Ryleigh and Aunt Katie. They got soo much stuff. We put some away to rotate through the year and got rid of some toys they don't play with any more to make room. When we got home, Hailey napped and Cheyenne got to try out her new bike! Its a tad to big for her. I was afraid of that, but the smaller size she would outgrow in no time. I think it'll be okay and by the time the weather warms up and she really gets to get outside and ride it it will be perfect. Christmas night we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house to see my dad's side of the family. We stayed for a little over an hour and visited with family and then came home. The girls had had a long day. All in all we had a GREAT Christmas!
Chey in front of Grandma's tree