Sunday, December 5, 2010

All Things Christmas

To be honest, I'm so glad this week is over with. All 4 of us had a stomach virus, we're thinking it was Norovirus. Whatever it was, it was NO FUN! Taking care of sick children when you are sick and your husband is sick is just wrong. Ha! Friday we were all feeling better from the stomach mess but William went straight to a severe cold and ended up at the doctor yesterday doing a breathing treatment and came home with 4 different prescriptions. We've had all the sickness we can take for a while!
Friday the girls and I baked cookies and gave them out as gifts to friends and neighbors. Chey loved helping and decorating the sugar cookies. She did a great job! Then Friday night we went to Disney on Ice-Toy Story 3. I haven't uploaded those photos yet. Since William wasn't feeling well, my dad went with Chey and I. We had a great time!

On Saturday afternoon we had our annual Friends Thanksgiving dinner with our good friends The Kivetts, Strecks Bleakneys and Ryan. Melissa his fiance was out of town and couldn't make it, William was sick so didn't go and Tripp had to work so we had a smaller crowd than usual. Here is a photo of all the kids, minus Gavin who had already left. From left to right, Cheyenne, Hailey, Maggie, David and Alicia.
We got snow yesterday! The weatherman was just calling for a few flurries but Saturday at lunchtime it started and kept at it for quite a while. The girls loved playing in it this morning.

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