Cheyenne had her 1 year checkup this morning. She weighs 23.6 lbs and is 28 3/4" tall. At birth Cheyenne was 7 lbs 7 oz and was 19 3/4" long. She has really grown this past year! She received vaccinations today. One in each arm and one in each leg. Great way to celebrate a 1st birthday, huh?
So at 1 year Cheyenne can do most anything. She "talks." She can shake her head "no" and nod "yes." She waves her hand to say hello and goodbye. She recognizes songs like pat-a-cake and the Wheels on the Bus and does the motions just like me. She is starting to imitate William and I. She will "cruise" from one thing to another but has yet to take her first step without holding on to anything. She can stand on her own, if she wants to. Most of the time she'll just drop and crawl. She is a fast crawler! She's into everything; cabinets, drawers and whatever William and I are doing she wants to be included too. She can get jealous. If I'm holding another baby, she doesn't like it. Lately if she sees William hug me or show attention to me she stops and stares and makes a whiney noise. She doesn't like it. I think she's a little protective of me...or she thinks that she's the only one that gets attention from me. That's going to have to change when the new baby gets here at the end of summer! Cheyenne takes 1 long nap everyday, usually of about 2 hours or so. Sometimes she needs 15 or 20 minutes in the morning which she usually does in the car while we're out. She sleeps about 11.5 hours at night and sleeps with her blankie. The thing is her best friend. Cheyenne is an active toddler and loves playgroups and her Little Gym class as well as swimming at the YMCA. I put together a short slideshow of Cheyenne's 1st year to the right. Enjoy!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
She is a big girl! Aidan was 23.2 lbs and 32 inches tall at 12 months.
Love the new ticker!!! So glad you put it up! Only 9 more weeks until you can find out the sex!
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