Sunday, January 18, 2009

A bit of bad news

We have a bit of bad news. On Friday night after we put Cheyenne to bed, Katie came over and stayed with her and William and I took his dog Jackson to the emergency clinic. Jackson is William's husky that he got 12 years ago after getting out of the Navy. He had been living with Katherine when William was in the condo. William's best friend Jason is a vet at the clinic and he met us there to look at him. Jackson had not been eating and did nothing but lay outside on his bed. He wouldn't come in, even in the freezing weather. Katherine told us he wasn't doing well so we took him in to have him checked out. Jason did some blood work and x-rays and found that it was his liver. He had a large cancerous tumor. It was finally decided with the info we had that it would be better for Jackson to let him go. We are sad to lose him but we know now that he isn't suffering.

1 comment:

Four of a Kind said...

So sorry for your loss. It's hard to let a animal go...