Friday, December 18, 2009


I can't believe we finally got snow! We haven't seen this much in probably 10 years at least! It's still coming down as I type. William's been at work all day..supposed to get off at 11:30 on Fridays..but as's 5:00 and he's still at work. (Can you tell I'm a little sour about the subject??) But Anyway. SO, I took Cheyenne out while Hailey was napping. We only got about 20 minutes before Hailey woke up crying..but that's okay. Chey had so much fun in the snow! We had a dusting last year and I'm sure she doesn't remember it anyway. She woke up from her nap and I showed it to her and she said "snow outside Mommy!" Hopefully we can get out tomorrow for a little while before it melts...

1 comment:

Four of a Kind said...

that's great! we had our fill in korea last year so i'm ok with missing it this year. hope you guys enjoy being snowed in!