This past weekend we had Cheyenne's 3rd Birthday party. Her birthday is actually today (25th). We had her party at Chick-fil-a. I needed somewhere indoors and my house just isn't set up to have a bunch of people, let along kids in it at once. It worked out great! The kids were able to play for 30 minutes in the play place. Chey then opened her gifts and we had nugget and fruit trays and then cupcakes! The best part was I didn't have to clean up! William was sick so he didn't get to make it to the Chick-fil-a party Saturday but was feeling better Sunday and was able to make it to mom and dad's Sunday night for dinner and cake. Chey opened her gifts from nana, poppa, Emma and Ryleigh and us there. She had a great couple of days of celebrating!

She got a Littliest Pet shop from Luke and Lily. She also got a My little pony and a horse truck and trailer toy!

Hailey really enjoyed the party too. Thank goodness for nana and poppa who watched her while I "hosted" the party!

Chey blowing out her candle! She loved this part!

My 3 year old!

The Party!

Me and my girls-Nana and Poppa's house

Poppa with Hailey and Cheyenne

Opening a present from Emma and Ryleigh!

Daddy showing Cheyenne how to play her new Leapster we got her. She LOVES it!

More cake! This time with 3 candles!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Cheyenne! We got Aidan a Leapster for his 4th birthday. There are some really great educational games out there! Looks like fun was had by all!
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