My girls
Saturday, February 27, 2010
My girls
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Natural Science Center
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hanging Rock
Jumping over the tree!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Hailey Bathes in the Sink
Chey's 1st haircut
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
This one needs no title
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Potty Training
Friday, February 12, 2010
What's Up?
I know I'm going to jinx myself, but I've had the best week in a long, long time. Cheyenne hasn't threw a fit all week, I've lost 6lbs and been in a really good mood, and despite getting up with Hailey 3 or 4 times a night (shes teething again) things are pretty much going my way! Hailey is napping great, although I can't hardly put her down when she's awake. She's happy and playing and all of a sudden she's crying. Tends to be towards the last hour she's awake...guess she's starting to get tired and her gums hurting is a little more noticable. So I just pop her in the Ergo carrier and that works for a little while.
Chey had school this week. She missed all last week because of all that snow we got. It does her good to have a place to channel her energy. Preschool is so good for her. Her behavior is better when she has had school because she's gotten to play, run around and socialize. You can tell when she's been cooped up for a while. It's NOT pretty...
Anyway, this week we visited the childrens' museum, went to the grocery store and had a Dr appointment. Chey had her 2 year checkup and Hailey got a vaccine that she was supposed to get the week before at her 6 month check up. I wouldn't let them give it to her that day because she was already getting 2 shots. I made them spread it out some. That's alot at one time, ya know? Hailey is 6.5 months now and starting to cut back on her milk as she's taking in a little more solids. She loves her solids and having bananas and blueberries in her fresh feeder. She freaks out when she sees it!
Chey is eating great too. I quit buying any and all kind of "junk" food and typical kids snacks like those chewy snacks. Chey hasn't missed them. She asks for yougurt all the time and carrots. She loves carrots and dips them in a little ranch dressing. She's been eating blueberries, salad, carrots, apple slices, banana, chicken, peas, sliced turkey meat, and raisins. I want to keep Cheyenne eating these kinds of things so that she will grow up eating healthy and not have the struggles I've had with weight. I can't remember a time since I was 12 or so that I haven't been trying to lose weight. Hopefully I can instill in Cheyenne a love for healthy food and she will never have to deal with that. I've found several recipes and we got all the ingredients today at the grocery store. We're going to make stuffed roasted tomatoes, stuffed mushroom caps, homemade chicken noodle soup to name a few!
William is still working quite a bit. He had told me in November that December and January were going to be crazy months but after that it would go back to normal. Well last Friday he was "done" with this project. Then 2 days ago, there was a big issue at work that required him to work 19 straight hours just to get the network working again. Apparently the service department at Starr was flipping the wrong break and it was a breaker that one of his main servers was caused so many problems. So it's back to working round the clock, hopefully just for 3 or 4 more days.
This is alot of info at once! Sorry, I've just been posting lots of pictures lately and haven't updated whats been going on around here. So until next time, we'll just be hanging around waiting on baby Ryleigh to make her debut! Jen will be having her any day...