Hailey has been 6 months old for a week now but she just had her 6 month well check yesterday. She weighs 18lbs 6 oz and is 24 3/4" long. I can't believe how much she has changed over the last month! She is sitting up really good now. She is having 2 meals a day. Usually fruit and cereal or yougurt in the morning and a veggie for dinner. I'm doing my best to continue nursing. Right now I'm nursing her 1st think in the morning, 2 bottles during the day and pumping at night for her nighttime bottle. So she is getting half formula. This is working really great right now. I still get to give her some beneficial breastmilk but have some felxibility. Anyway, she has been a dream the last week or so. She's gotten into a great routine since she's staying up longer now. Usually about 2 1/2 hours and then naps for an hour and a half to 2 hours. Most of the time anyway. She has her days that she still only naps for 45 minutes but it's usually because she's been woken up by a poop or teething pain. There are 2 more lower teeth just barely popping out. She's pretty happy during the day, even with Cheyenne constantly bugging her...Cheyenne is a whole nother story and another post for that matter. Anyway, Hailey is thriving and is becoming such a beautiful little girl. She is still wearing cloth diapers. I have fell in love with the BumGenius. I have figured out an overnight system so she can wear cloth at night now too. Now she doesn't have to sit in all those crystal gels in disposable diapers all night long. So glad I made this change. The extra load of laundry every other day doesnt bother me, least not yet anyway. :) Here's a few pictures I've taken of her the last couple of days. I did some more in her tutu since she's sitting now. It gives me a whole other angle to shoot from. She wasn't very cooperative so this is the best I could get. She never would smile for me, just too interested in watching Cheyenne run around her.

1 comment:
she's so cute and growing so fast! i haven't tried bumgenius but i've got a lot of fuzzibunz now and the thirsties duo with prefolds are great for lydia's size right now. glad you're getting better sleep!
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