Between Friday and Saturday we got about 6-7" of snow. It is strange having all this snow this year when we haven't seen it in so long! Seriously, it's been 10 years since we've had more than a dusting! William worked all day yesterday so today was the 1st time we were able to get out in it. We all went to mom and dad's and played outside. We pulled the sled behind the 4-wheeler. Chey had a great time riding with Poppa and sledding with Nana! I had fun too. I got to sled for a while. Felt like a kid again, that is until I came inside and dealt with Cheyenne's tantrum, but that's a whole other post. It's been pretty, but I've had enough for a while!
My family

Mommy and Chey sledding!

Miss Emma

Nana and Chey sledding!

My daddy and me. The best in the world. :)

William and Hailey

Chey and Poppa
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