Cheyenne and Mrs. Tara


Singing "5 Little Monkeys"

Today at school Cheyenne had her Christmas Party! Yes, I realize Christmas has come and gone, but their party was cancelled because of the snow we got. So they had it today. It was alot of fun to see Cheyenne sing songs! They sang the Wheels On the Bus, ABC's, 5 Little Monkey's and sang a prayer before their snack. Cheyenne was so loud when she was singing! One of the parents commented to me that she is ready to do a commercial! Ha! Anyway, she definetely is the most outgoing one in her class (don't know if that's a good thing?). I had Hailey with me in the Moby and had my camera so it was hard for me to do much of anything when it came to keeping Cheyenne from going back to the snack table time and time again, taking a bite of everything and putting it back. Anyway, it was great to see what Cheyenne does at school. She is such a smart little girl, and I'm not just saying that! She's not quite 2 years old and sings her ABC's (leaving out a few letters, but still!) and can count to 10! I didn't know that she could until yesterday when I heard her in the back of the car counting! She's learned so much!
1 comment:
How sweet. I love hearing what Aidan's learned at school. He surprises me with stuff all of the time. "Where'd you learn that Aidan?!" "At school Mommy."
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