Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Amazing Sister

I haven't had a good nights sleep in over 2 years. The last such night was probably sometimes in my 2nd trimester of my pregnancy with Cheyenne and even then it was the kind of sleep that was disrupted by all manner of first pregnancy anxieties. Since then, it's been one long battle of sleep-averse children, parental insomnia, second pregnancy discomfort and anxiety and and just general household chaos, all of which work against sleep.

So yeah, I haven't slept in years.

But when I think about that and put it in perspective, I think about Jen. Jenny probably has it much worse. Jen is pregnant with her 2nd daughter, Ryleigh. She works 3rd shift in the NICU of Women's hospital and cares for her 1st daughter, Emma during the day. I do not know how she does it. Her pregnancies have not being easy. They have been full of complications but she always seems to have a good attitude about it and gets through it, no matter how much pain or discomfort she is in. I want her to know just how much I love and admire her for what she's doing. She is contributing to her family working and is doing the best thing for Emma staying home with her. I commend her immensely. Jen and I have recently gotten closer than we have been in awhile. We both had some bottled up feelings and finally aired them and it's made us get along better and much closer, I think. I have no problem asking her for advice and know that she'll do anything for me. I thank God that we were able to move past everything. I love you Jen and think you are an amazing person and mother. You are always thinking of others and putting them first, even when you haven't slept in days, you would rather spend time with your family. You're awesome! :)

1 comment:

The Newnams said...

Awwww, thanks Autumn. That means so much to me. Over the past year and a half, so many people question my sanity for doing what I'm doing. But I think most of us would do anything for our children. But it wouldn't be possible without our families. Thanks for always being there for me. love ya