She managed to get the child lock off the pantry door and get into the cannister of raisins. As you can see they are all over the floor. Cheyenne has started this year off getting into all kinds of trouble.
-peed on the floor, RIGHT BESIDE her potty
-hit Hailey on the head with her Dora figurine
-while she was supposed to be napping, took all her clothes off as well as her diaper, when I went to get her up she was laying on her bed naked ( I had to laugh at this one)
I'm sure there were more but that's all I can think of. She is most definetly starting the terrible two's! But while she drives me crazy, I love her to death. She's so sweet when she says "I love you mommy!" and when she says "yes please" and loves to say the blessing at dinner. She has changed so much since last year. At 2 years old she can have a conversation with you, is almost potty trained and loves school! She weighs about 29 lbs and is wearing 2T-3T clothes.
busy blogger today! you definitely got your troublemaker first. but that makes anything the second one throws at you seem easy! i can't believe it's been 2 years already. enjoy every minute of it!
Happy Birthday Cheyenne!!
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