Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cloth Diapers

In an effort to make our dollar go further and save money, I am giving cloth diapers a whirl. I always thought (pre-Cheyenne) that I would do cloth diapers, until I thought about how much trouble it would be. After Cheyenne was born, I never thought about it again, until recently. Apparently cloth diapering is all the rage right now. I've been researching and found that cloth diapers aren't what they used to be. I'm talking about the prefolds with pins. They now have All in one diapers that act just like disposable, but instead of throwing them away you wash them. I found 2 that got good reviews and I liked: Bum Genius and Fuzzibuns. Before I bought too many I want to see if I can make this work. These diapers are one size. They adjust to fit up to 35lbs so I wont have to buy anymore. These will last Hailey until she is potty trained. And actually I can use these with Chey too. I've estimated that if I start using them now with Hailey I'll save over $2000. Amazing! I'll probably still use disposable at night. Hailey is wearing a Huggies overnight diaper at night and she still almost leaks out of it. 11-12 hours is along time to wear 1 diaper! I might use them when we're out and about too. I'll just have to see if cloth works while out. I don't want to give up convienence but if this allows me to save money and be green too, well this may just work out!
And while I'm sharing about money saving, I got Time Warner to cut our monthly bill by $30! What they charge for cable and road runner is still rediculous but hey, it's 30 bucks we can save. I set up Hailey's savings account this week and enrolled in the keep the change program that BOA offers so that it will go into her account. I can then transfer some of it to Cheyenne's if I want to. I also am planning on setting up her 529 College account this week too and linking that to our upromise account. This is such a great way to save for college with the products you already buy! Anyway, gotta go wash these new diapers so I can try them on Hailey.

1 comment:

Four of a Kind said...

let me know how that works out for you! we're all about saving money too!