Cheyenne had her very 1's haircut today! Well, it was just a trim. We worked so hard to let her bangs grow out and they finally go up into her ponytail and out of her face so I just couldn't cut them. It's amazing how long her hair is when you brush out those curls. Gail did put aside a little curl for me to keep. She did great. She was hesistent at first and of course she didn't sit absolutely still but overall I was impressed with her! I gave her my phone and she pretended to talk to daddy so that kept her engaged long enough for Gail to cut it. Thanks Gail, you did great!
great job cheyenne! aidan's 1st haircut was very traumatic but he was only 11 months old.
Yeah boys need haircuts sooner that girls usually so they are younger...I can't imagine Chey getting one that young. Glad I wait until now.
Yeah boys need haircuts sooner that girls usually so they are younger...I can't imagine Chey getting one that young. Glad I wait until now.
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