Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This one needs no title

Inspired by my sister, Jen's, latest post I'm going to share with you how my day went yesterday, and the day before. Jen said that Emma put her hands in her poopy diaper for the 1st time today. Well, Chey has done this many, many times. But not to the extent she has the last couple of days. Potty training is NOT easy. She is getting very good at telling me when she needs to go, but sometimes it is just a pain in the rear-end. For example, I went to get Chey up from her nap yesterday, only to find her with a wipe in her hand trying to "clean up" the poop on the carpet. Needless to say all she did was rub it in. We're not talking just a regular poop either. She must have ate something that didn't agree with her because this was one of the worst ones I've seen. It was up her back, on her clothes, on her hands, on the doorknob, lightswitch, carpet, stepstool (that she uses to get up in her bed), and wall.I know she was just trying to clean herself up, but she made things so much worse And ya know what? This was the 2nd day in a row. Although yesterday's poop was pretty normal and didn't find it in quite as many places. I didn't even know where to start. I put gloves on, picked her up and put her in the tub, clothes and all. (Meanwhile Hailey has woken from her nap and is now screaming because I haven't gotten her yet, but she'll have to wait.) It took 3 rounds of using our Bissell "spot bot" to get the stain out of the carpet. During all this I called William and had the phone on speaker relaying what was going on. All I could say was "what did I do to deserve this?" Funny, as I'm typing this I swear I can smell that poop and Chey isn't even here, she's at school. Ugghh! So Jen, you're not alone, and no it won't be the last time Emma does this! You have all the sympathy from me because it is not fun! They should give you a RX for valium for life when you leave the hospital with your newborn... For those of you who are going "wow, I really didn't need to know all that!" ha, tough. Being the mother of a toddler is no walk in the park. I love her to death but sometimes I think she will be the death of me...


Chelsey said...

ha - i would say this one does need a title and it should be - POOP!
Whew, good luck!!

The Newnams said...

so, emma just did AGAIN!!! this is so not the fun part of having a toddler. at least she hasn't gotten it on anything but herself.......YET!