Thursday, May 26, 2011

Around the House

Today is the first day of "summer" for us. The girls last day of preschool was yesterday, which means I'm on my own the rest of the summer. We plan to spend days at the pool, the science center and just around the house. This morning was nice so I got out this sidewalk paint that I picked up yesterday at Target. It works just like chalk in that water rinses it right off, but its alot more fun than chalk! It kept the girls busy for a good 45 minutes this morning!

We had a pretty productive day. I got the yard mowed. The girls helped me wash the van and the jeep. I sprayed weeds. We took Chloe for a walk, and we made a visit to Jason and Kristie's to take them a couple of shade tents for Big Pig Fest Saturday! More on that later!

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